
pulmonary sarcoidosis in the Black community

Access Granted: Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Advocacy, Resources & Support

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis, you must be clear about diagnosis and treatment for the condition. To get the clarity you deserve, you have to become an advocate. That means you’ll also need to know which questions to ask, where to find additional resources, and how to build a community.
Below we’ve created a reference list that may help make your road to advocacy just a bit easier. Questions to Ask Your Doctor
  1. How are my lungs impacted by my pulmonary sarcoidosis and how severely are they affected?
  2. What information did you use to determine that I have pulmonary sarcoidosis?
  3. What are the symptoms and signs that I should watch for on a day-to-day basis?
  4. How will you determine whether I require treatment or not for my pulmonary sarcoidosis?
  5. What are changes I can make with my lifestyle that can help me feel better?


Dr. Joi Morgan

Dr. Joi Morgan has a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree and three master’s degrees in nutrition, management, and healthcare administration. She is currently pursuing a second doctorate in healthcare administration, with a specialized focus on diabetes. She works with NOWINCLUDED to offer her expertise through various virtual events in collaboration with the American Kidney Fund.

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