We love meeting our community members where they are and hearing your experiences first-hand. See how your stories and survey results are making a difference.
We love meeting our community members where they are and hearing your experiences first-hand. See how your stories and survey results are making a difference.
Trends spotted, barriers uncovered, and stories amplified at our most recent community events.
Your words inspire change for better health. Yes, they are really that powerful.
Here are just some of the sentiments you’ve shared with us.
I share my story because I think it’s important that all men, especially men of color, understand the importance of early detection screening for prostate cancer.
– Dr. Eddie, Prostate Cancer Survivor
There’s a beautiful soul that lives in this neapolitan-covered spacesuit.
– Deirdre, Vitiligo Advocate
In the African American community, we’re taught to, “Don’t talk about your business. Don’t tell nobody what’s going on.” A closed mouth doesn’t get fed, so if you’ve got something going on, talk to somebody.
– Donald, Multiple Myeloma Thriver
I share my story because I think it’s important that all men, especially men of color, understand the importance of early detection screening for prostate cancer.
– Dr. Eddie, Prostate Cancer Survivor
There’s a beautiful soul that lives in this Neapolitan-covered spacesuit.
– Deirdre, Vitiligo Advocate
In the African American community, we’re taught to, “Don’t talk about your business. Don’t tell nobody what’s going on.” A closed mouth doesn’t get fed, so if you’ve got something going on, talk to somebody.
– Donald, Multiple Myeloma Thriver
By sharing your stories with us, we can better create resources for you.
With us, your voice truly does matter.
Over 100K community members across the US are making a difference in their health. Are you ready to take action?