
Boniechia James’ Health Journey

Boniechia James was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio with ten other siblings and her parents. Growing up, her family struggled a lot financially and encountered many hardships. At age 19, Boniechia moved to Alabama with just a bag of clothes and some CDs. Now, she lives here permanently with her husband, Kristopher James, and her four children. Boniechia is a woman of much complexity that has gone through many hardships and journeys. She has endured poor treatment from healthcare professionals, taken on the role of an adoptive mother, began a bodybuilding journey, and much more.

Tubal ligation gone’ wrong

After Boniechia and her ex-husband divorced, she married Kristopher James. He took on the responsibility of raising all three of her previous children as his own, however, he also wanted to have a child of his own blood. Boniechia had a C-section birth with her third child, followed by a tube tying procedure. Once she and her husband decided to try for a child, they went to the doctor’s office to get her tubes untied. However, she then was told that whichever doctor had tied her tubes fourteen years ago had cut them too short and could not be reconnected. When Boniechia initially heard the news, her heart sunk, but she immediately looked up to God. Disappointed yet hopeful, Kristopher and Boniechia decided to go on an IVF journey which they are still on. Today, she believes that if she were of a different ethnicity her tube tying procedure would not have gone so poorly. She says this was not the first time something like this happened. When she was pregnant with her second child, she had hard contractions one night, causing her to call her doctor. He told her it was nothing and that she should just go back to sleep, however, she got up and told her first husband to take her to the hospital anyway. Once she got to the hospital she was immediately rushed into a hospital room by nurses because she had gone into labor.

Path to adoption

Her youngest child, Kaies James, was adopted and is almost 2 years old. Boniechia says that she decided to adopt because God opened that door for her to provide a life for a child that otherwise could not be provided for, she says. When Boniechia and Kritohper first decided to adopt, they believed that it would be an easy victory. What was supposed to be signing documents with full parental consent turned into a year and a half long fight in court for full custody. Boniechia and her husband finally won full custody but it was a troublesome journey. Their endurance was fueled by the assurance that God opened the door for them to be parents of Kaies James, although it did not come without a fight.

Bodybuilding journey

Growing up, Boniechia has always been big on health. Her grandmother even told her once that at age 5 she was health-conscious and wanted to go on diets. During 2019-2020, Boniechia went a year of always doing cardio back to back. Once while sitting in her car, she felt something tell her to get into body-building. At first, she thought it was silly and brushed it off because she had never even lifted a weight before. But after more pondered thought, she decided that she would like the challenge. Boniechia says that her bodybuilding journey has required a lot of discipline, meal preparation, and consistency.  In her beginning stages of bodybuilding, she went in very fearful because she did not believe that she could truly do it. However, as she continued to stay at the workouts and meal plans, she realized that she could actually take her health journey far.

Presently, Boniechia continues to reside happily in Alabama with her husband and four children. She says that adoption has been an intricate journey, yet unquestionably worth it. And still, she plans to continue with her IVF journey and one day add on to her family. She says that she is very grateful for her family’s support of her crafts such as singing, writing, acting, and bodybuilding. “Though life has brought challenges that I’ve had to overcome, hearing laughter and watching smiling faces fill my home has made it all worth it and I would do it again”, she says.

Written By Ellex Emmons

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