
Pioneering Diversity in Clinical Trials: Sandy Amaro’s Commitment

Building a strong healthcare system requires authentic focus on the needs of the people. In doing so, we look to science (data) and community engagement that is genuine and intentional in developing medical solutions – both in response to conditions proactively.

Diversity in clinical trial studies is not relegated to race.

Sandy Amaro is the Director of Clinical Trial Diversity at Pfizer and has committed her life to ensuring that diversity-rich data is woven into their clinical trial philosophy. Clinical trials are research studies where participants are recruited to test the safety of a medicine or vaccine. 

“We have to let science drive us,” she explains. “Letting the data drive us, in everything we do, is not only critical but it’s something that is built into the fiber of how we operate at Pfizer.” 

Diversity in clinical trial studies is not relegated to race. Sandy leads teams that also evaluate ethnicity, age, and gender; understanding the safety and efficacy across populations. And while this infrastructure does not guarantee success, its pairing with community engagement and local voices (such as NOWINCLUDED) gives minority populations the insights needed to make informed decisions about clinical trial participation. These insights can ultimately have a positive impact on their life and the lives of their loved ones. 

When focusing on equity and inclusion amongst clinical trial participation, Sandy seeks to find the right representation of participants impacted by disease. By beginning with the end in mind, she is able to combine enriched research data, community engagement, and clinical trial insights that are important to her professionally and personally.

As the wife and mother of two children, Sandy seeks to do good work that will take her family and career to the next level of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a component of increased minority participation that will lead to overall greater health. For her, and several others who share her passion for diversity, this data-driven approach to clinical trial participation and development, is just as much personal as it is professional.

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