
I couldn’t sleep last night because of a deep cough, headache, and ear 🤕 ache. Of course I feel a strain on the right side of my belly from coughing so much.

I have been worried about the baby and gaining strength to accomplish the one million things on my to do list.

I had a positive COVID-19 test this morning followed by a negative test. I went to the doctor who told me I also have fluid in my ears and a low grade fever.

The doctor advised me to contact my OB/GYN to get approval to take Delsym, and receive a dexamethasone shot, and a monoclonal antibody infusion.

I did just that while I was waiting on my results and my OB/GYN approved all of them.

I called the doctor to check on my results because I can feel myself getting tired and as a pregnant woman I can’t stop thinking about how this is impacting my baby.

To my surprise they tell me that the FDA just recalled the monoclonal antibody infusion so they can’t offer it to me. They said my PCR test was negative, (that’s a positive). They want me to come in for the dexamethasone shot. Ugh!!!! I hate taking medicine, especially pregnant.

How can a pregnant mom know she is making the best health decision for her baby??

This is a reminder to ask around, do your own research. I had two doctors offer to give me a monoclonal antibody infusion, not knowing it had been recalled!!!!


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